Dan Havel & Chuck Ivy

March 12, 2010 – April 17, 2010 John M. O'Quinn Gallery

“I’m very pleased that Chuck Ivy is pushing forward fair use boundaries in the creation of his original art. In any conflict between corporation and the individual, the individual must triumph! Totally victory! Accept no substitutes!”–Alex Cox, filmmaker

How much time can a single image represent? In “Dirty Secrets from the Cataract Cinema”, Chuck Ivy explores the temporal nature of photography by collapsing sequences from feature films into individual stills which represent the mathematical average of the film frames within that span of time. From Hollywood blockbusters to art house cinematheque, these fluid images explore the territory between sharp frozen moments and the blur born of long exposures, revealing unexpected beauty as they snatch a hint of recognition from the brink of abstract noise. The captured moments show motion as either a cacophony or a fluidity, presenting a deeply mysterious world clothed with a haze of fog and the structure of a spider web.