Elaine Bradford and Sara Cress Routine Fables
Routine Fables is a year-long collaboration between writer Sara Cress and artist Elaine Bradford in which they create weekly “sculpture poems.” Taking place over the course of 2017, each week Bradford will create a sculpture that Cress responds to with a poem, culminating in this 2018 exhibition featuring all 52 works.
Artist Bios
Elaine Bradford lives and works in Houston,TX. She holds an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts (2003) and a BFA from the University of Texas at Austin (2000). Her work has been included in shows both nationally and internationally. She was one of the founding members BOX 13 ArtSpace. In 2011, she completed a permanent civic art commission for the City of Houston at Vinson Neighborhood Library.
Sara Cress is a writer in Houston, TX. Her poetry project, Breaking Poems, combines her past as a journalist with the Houston Chronicle and her creative writing degree from the University of Houston. She writes poetry inspired by current events and publishes them a few times per week on her website, BreakingPoems.com. Her work has been featured on NPR’s All Things Considered, KUHF’s Houston Matters, and in the Houston Chronicle and Suffragette City Magazine.