Laura Lark Primp, Indigo

December 12, 2003 – January 31, 2004 John M. O'Quinn Gallery

Artist Statement

Fashion photography has always represented, for me, a mute source of both inspiration and admonishment-a fantasy that might be attained if only I had the right accessories and stood perfectly still in the proper light. An attempt to mirror popular imagery is emphasized by the hand-rendered pointillist technique. This method, at once an earnest and painful attempt to faithfully recreate the image, also emphasizes the futility of my obsession as well as the inability to fully concretize what I so desire. The resulting images are the stain of ephemera: the ghost of countless thumbed-through magazines that have permeated my psyche. The works are made on Tyvek, an industrial material chosen for its lightweight quality and its kinship to fabric, further intertwining the worlds of fashion and art.