Past Event
The Unsettlements – Walk Through, Lunch & Writing Workshop Part I: To be Shared. Part 2: At Lawndale

The Unsettlements – Walk Through, Lunch & Writing Workshop is a 3-part program with 2024 Texas Biennial Artist JD Pluecker that includes a site-specific walk through one of the sites related to The Unsettlements series, followed by a lunch and writing workshop How to Write Into What We Do Not and Cannot Know. All events are free with registration. You may attend all or part of the events on Saturday as your schedule allows.
More information on The Unsettlements please visit
The Unsettlements - Walk Through, Lunch & Writing Workshop Schedule
Part 1: Into The Weeds: An Unsettlement Walk Through
10 – 12pm, walk through.
Registration is free but required to get site destination. Site location provided the day before the event in email to registered participants.
Join us for a walk through a location of meanings, known and unknown, in the East End. What is in the weeds? What is in the walking through and into? What is it to unsettle in relation to land and our own bodies? We will gather to talk and to walk through and in and under, deciding what each of us and the we might want to share and what we might want to do. How do we make meaning together? How might we unmake the meanings?
Part 2 & 3: How to Write Into What We Do Not and Cannot Know
12:30 – 1:30pm, lunch
1:30 – 3:30pm, writing workshop at Lawndale Art Center
The writing workshop with JD Pluecker will delve into beginning a practice of writing out of not knowing, into the space of not knowing. Out of intimacy and kinship can arrive connection and knowing, but also a deep mystery and a deep sense of loss or lack. What happens after we generate a mad desire to dive in? When verve arrives, how do we hold it or channel it? How do we maintain that fire and follow it into the weeds? How do we get lost in the weeds and then emerge transformed after the traversing? No previous writing experience required; all materials necessary will be provided.
Registration required – click here.